On the heels of a day mundane,
another night has put its feet --
'cause dies down every fire there is,
and a chill replaces its heat.
And left behind are some bones, some ashes
of memories, and mere dark stains, --
to be scattered in time by winds harsh, and
washed away by years of incessant rains.
The night has brought the struggle back,
to rein in my thoughts stray, however vain --
thoughts do come, what're they if not hungry lions,
and its hard to stop'em, from coming out of their den.
Trapped between the jaws of those beasts
should I give up, be a prey, writhing, --
or play a tyrant I must, kills his own subjects
who, and doesn't even feel a thing?
And by the window, against the wall,
lie the vast plains of my bed --
quiet and empty, it resembles a Pharsalus
and surely its' perfectly made.
Flee from the encounter I can,
condemn myself if I just, to the chair, --
But punish the innocent clay if I,
the struggle will be anything but fair.
So I go to this bed of mine, seeking
subsequent glories, comforts coveted --
under the blanket, lose if I were to,
at least the conflict may stay veiled.
And just about the time when I,
having won, was to fall asleep, --
appears is a dagger unseen, of cold,
and slashes me repeatedly, deep.
Though the cuts were deep but no more
than those piercing words of theirs(/*yours*/) can reach --
I canvass the surroundings of my room,
for the probable point of breach.
True, walls you can raise against your foes,
but what fort can hold its head high, --
when the traitors are the sentries themselves,
and the words are just words, from a disguise.
A mere look around was all it costed,
to find the window with a missing glass --
only a paper I had, I tried to paste, except,
when bronze is the need, doesn't work a brass.
Stubborn was I, and I persisted,
another lesson was to be learned, --
irritated, I completely opened the window
though this is not what i had yearned.
And outside, blows such a cold wind,
and persists the darkness stark --
shivering are the dogs, or have,
some reasons beyond their bark.
Unaware of this all, was a flutter of moths,
overjoyed, as they had a perfect host, --
singing and dancing in the dim light of
a distant, and warm old lamppost.
Maybe it was the sublimity of the lamppost,
I got all the warmth I needed --
I slipped into my bed again, and
the cries of old wounds went unheeded.
Quiet have become things now,
maybe subsided has their pain, --
but those dogs will howl again, unless,
the warm light of a lamppost they gain.
And perhaps, the next night when it comes,
the cold will remain as before, dense --
and unclear may remain the path,
laid down for me to embark. --
But I've hope, for my warm lamppost,
and for things to reveal their sense,
then free of my borrowed crutches at last,
I won't be creeping, I will proudly walk.
some of my thoughts, and experiences, and whatever...
Disclaimer and Further Insights:
All the things which get posted here, come from my day to day experiences. Its resemblance to any person living (or dead...mostly dead! Anyway very few really live...) is mostly intentional (If only you can find out that it was meant for you :P).
This blog started out with my ramblings, but somewhere along the way things changed and now I use it only for posting my finished poems (I would like to regard them as poems...even if they're not :P). Someone once told me, "you are in the wrong place, you should be taking photos, and writing poems whom only the retarded can understand". Well, all that just depends on your perspective, isn't it so? Maybe I'm in the wrong place, or maybe this is where I wanted to be ;-).